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S.A.E Group Srl project and realise fluidic joint with one or more path for the transmission of air, vacuum, water, hydraulic oil, liquid coolants at different pressures.

The Joints are built with a steel rotator equipped with centring and ball-bearings for avoiding vibrations or misalignments. These can be sold separately or with a rotary joint for a combined transmission of electric power, liquid and gas.

Chrome to carbon graphite seals are used for applications with water, hot oil, hydraulic oil, coolant, air and vacuum. The design of the seals is such that the specific pressure on the seal faces is hydraulically balanced and costant regardless of the fluid pressure. A pin prevent the rotation of the static seal thus avoiding possible damages to the O-ring.

The solutions adopted are different from the material used (Steel/Inox/special Steel/Foil/Brass/Iron chrome), from the diameter of the plunger (from 30 to 200mm), from the dimension of the path of the fluid and from the attachment required (from 1/8” to 2”).

Giunto in acciaio inox

  • Pistone e camicia in acciaio inox 316 (o 304)
  • Diametro pistone ø80mm
  • Giunto per aria o liquidi (acqua chimica/olio)
  • N°3 vie 3/8”
  • Passaggio cavi per parte elettrica
  • Pressione fino a 30 Bar

Giunto per passaggi multipli

  • Pistone in acciaio cromato
  • Camicia in alluminio diametro ø360
  • N°24 vie fino a 2” di uscita aria
  • Pressione fino a 30 Bar

Giunti cromati

  • Pistone cromato ø75
  • Camicia in alluminio ø120
  • Giunto per aria o liquidi (acqua chimica/olio)
  • N°1/2 vie da 1/8” a 1/2”
  • Passaggio cavi per parte elettrica
  • Pressione fino a 30 Bar

Giunto in acciaio inox

  • Pistone cromato ø60/75mm
  • Camicia in alluminio ø110/120mm
  • Giunto per aria o liquidi (acqua chimica/olio)
  • Da 1 a 10 vie da 1/8” a 1/2″
  • Pressione fino a 30 Bar

Request a quote!

If you have any enquiries about any of our model’s features, please contact S.A.E Group Srl.